It’s Black History Month!

Come to the 2nd event of  SISTERS OF CHANGE–unsung sheroes for racial justice whose names everyone should know.

The Voting Vanguards Poster Project of Rejoice the Vote!

–an exhibit of 12 original posters by Ms. Ana Goldsmith’s students from  the Lehman Alternative Community School


–FEB. 20, 5:00-6:30 PM at the new Tompkins Center for History and Culture, 110 N. Tioga St. on the Ithaca Commons


–See the Sisters of Change exhibit in the Atrium Tower, and The Voting Vanguards show in the Gallery

–Meet the student artists, their teacher, Ms. Ana Goldsmith, and Rejoice the Vote! activist, Jeff Furman

–Hear about the Voting Vanguards–the American sheroes and heroes who fought for our voting rights

–Hear about the Constitutional Amendments and Voting Rights Act: the foundation for our voting rights.

–Register to Vote on the spot if you haven’t already!

–Share your own answers:  Why do you vote? Why will you vote? Why do you want your family to vote?

–Free & Open to all, especially students, educators and families.

–Enjoy refreshments and Ben & Jerry’s Ice Cream!