Links to the American Civil Liberties Union and National Immigration Law Center:

If stopped by Police -stoppedbythepolice-560x480-v01 When encountering
law enforcement questioning




Demonstrations web16-kyr-featuredimg-560x480-v01 If your rights are violated at
a demonstration or protest






Immigration rights-cardIf Immigration Agents (ICE)
are at your door


National Immigration Law Center

National Immigration Law Center





Undoing Racism, a signature workshop facilitated by the People’s Institute for Survival and Beyond, will take place in Ithaca, NY April 6 – 8th and registration is now open to the public.

The Undoing Racism Workshop is 2 days + an evening; April 6 (5-9pm), 7 (9am – 5pm) and 8 (9am – 5pm). Registrants must be able to commit to attending the entire workshop. Location: announced when registration confirmed.

Cost is $350 per person, $175 for small non-profit organization staff and high school students.

Register now. 

The Ithaca Undoing Racism Workshop is being organized and hosted by The Groundswell Center for Local Food & Farming, the Multicultural Resource Center, the Youth Farm Project and Tommy Miller, and can only accommodate a limited number of individuals.

While there are organizations in Ithaca providing anti-racism education, the objectives of bringing the People’s Institute to Ithaca are to:

–Cultivate a shared language around racism, white privilege, equity and diversity within an organization’s staff and board to inform recruitment, hiring and retention
–Establish a cohort of local graduates who identify actionable steps towards undoing racism in Ithaca and surrounding areas and commit to post workshop collaboration
–Enable local social justice leaders to participate in a workshop with peers, co-workers and community members
–Call-in people in decision making positions to understand why race is central to multiple sectors including food, education, policy, social services, foundations and private business
–Build our community’s capacity to undo racism and implement anti-racist strategies and policies

More about the Undoing Racism Workshops and the People Institute, can be found on their website,

Contact Person:

Elizabeth Gabriel

CTA/Groundswell Center for Local Food & Farming
